Bonus Episode - Erica Keswin - Retention Revolution

Bonus Episode - Erica Keswin - Retention Revolution

Erica Keswin is a bestselling author, internationally sought after speaker, and workplace strategist. Her first two bestselling books Bring Your Human to Work: 10 Surefire Ways to Design a Workplace That’s Good for People, Great for Business, and Just Might Change the World (McGraw Hill 2018), and Rituals Roadmap: The Human Way to Transform Everyday Routines Into Workplace Magic (McGraw Hill 2021) were widely discussed in media outlets like Good Morning America, MSNBC and Live with Kelly & Ryan, as well as many print articles and reviews. Her forthcoming book is called The Retention Revolution: 7 Surprising (and Very Human!) Ways to Keep Employees Connected to Your Company (September 2023 McGraw-Hill) and will set leaders up for success in this new world of work.

Bonus Episode - Ralph Kilmann - Conflict Management

Bonus Episode - Ralph Kilmann - Conflict Management

In this interview we speak with Ralph Kilmann, conflict management expert and author of the book Mastering the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument, detailing the tool he co-created almost 50 years ago. We discuss:

- What drew him to conflict in the first place

- Why conflict is on the rise and what we can do about it

- His conflict mode framework

- The core skills of managing conflict well

- How to think about conflict in an organisational setting

- Thinking about conflict across cultures

You can learn more about Ralph Kilmann, his latest book, and even take the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument here - https://kilmanndiagnostics.com/

Bonus Episode - Clifford Morgan - The Coaching Leader

Bonus Episode - Clifford Morgan - The Coaching Leader

In this interview I speak with Clifford Morgan, author of the new book "The Coaching Leader - Essential Skills to Enhance Your Leadership and Develop Your People Every Day". 

We discuss:

  • Challenges leaders are facing today

  • The benefits of leaders taking on a coaching approach

  • What it takes to be a great coach

  • Some lessons from Cliff's military background

You can learn more about Cliff, his book and other resources at: https://cliffordmorgan.com.au/